Wednesday, January 29, 2014

MY turn... by the Beanster

Finally, Toto has decided to allow me to write a chapter in OUR blog.  I don't know why the location AND the title are both Talking with Toto... doesn't he know we are ALL going to post our own blogs in this same place?
Anyway, back to the subject at hand, er, remind me again, what WAS the subject at hand????

First, let me introduce myself.  I am Beanie, also known as Beanster.  I am the reason ALL of us pups ended up on Dogster, I joined way, way back in May, 2008.  After I checked the place out and found it to MY liking, all the rest of my family joined, too. 
Over the years we have had lots and lots of family!  Our Mom is a dog person, she owns a kennel and is a full time groomer there, as well as the main "kennel girl", and the obedience class instructor.  She has done this stuff her whole adult life!  She also bred and showed Labradors, and also had a GSD that she showed in obedience trials.  She also dabbles in French Bulldogs and has since the 90's. 
But, she got old, the labs got BIGGER and bigger or so it seemed and along came us poodles!
First there was Jenny and Toto, both mini's.  Then, along came us toys.  I came via a huge rescue Mom and her friend did, I was one of fifteen and the only one that stayed here!
Now Mom doesn't breed anymore, and I have two hairless and one puff Chinese Cresteds, two Frenchies, three toy poodles and one mini  poodle, (yes, it's Toto), that I share my house with.  I also have ONE Labrador brother, named Quincy.  He is the youngest of us all.
I am the smartest, cutest, nicest, etc., of the bunch of us dogs!  I am little so I can pretty much get thru all the babygates and blockades Mom uses to keep us contained.  I also have the uncanny ability of knowing exactly when Mom is going to put us in our day crates and go off to work, so I know exactly when to duck under the desk and hide.  Since I am so little, I usually get away with it, too, BOL!
Well, I guess I have sufficiently introduced myself and my family???  Now that is taken care of, I shall return on another day to actually WRITE something of interest.  Meanwhile, I will leave you with the following photos to remember me by!!!!

Friday, January 24, 2014

A test and a blog??

Okay, ladies and gentlemen...we finally found a place to make our diaries, but alas, we are still working out the bugs!!  Mom thinks we can all post here, but isn't sure if we all need a profile or if we can all work under Toto's profile.
At this point, this is but a test and hopefully someone will comment so we can tell if anyone is even reading it, OR, more importantly, if anyone CAN read it!
Mom was testing out inserting photos, so here is one of me with my girl, Skye.  I think we were at the ocean when this was taken.
Too cold for the ocean today... our high was 9 degrees F.  Brrrr.  Frankly, I stayed in my dog bed under Mom's desk all day while she was at work.  Don't worry, I was pretty good and didn't get into any trouble while home alone.
Love ya all,